Thursday, February 20, 2014

Clean diet, Clean mind

Man, life has been great lately! I don't know if I've mentioned it yet, but I am 3 weeks through completing a Whole 30 program, and so far, it has been nothing but exceptional.  Essentially, the rules outline a strict Paleo diet... which, for myself, meant cutting out the oils and added ingredients that had somehow sneaked their way into my diet over the last several months.  Thus far, I've seen an increase in energy and mood, improvement in sleep, and a decrease in brain fog.  Mental clarity is at an all time high, and it's awesome.

Additionally, I can honestly say that this new clarity has spilled over into the rest of my life.  I feel a bit more... "awake".  Removing all of the excess from my diet has unintentionally inspired me to search for reconnection with my mind and body through the most raw, organic, true, unfiltered, and yes, definitely gluten-free means available.

And, as this blog is about that very evolution, I thought today I would share some of these ideas and the accompanying resources I will use to explore them.  In the hopes you might benefit from this list, I've made things simple by categorizing everything into Food, Body, and Mind.  Enjoy.

Reconnecting with Food:
-Completing Whole 30, and doing it a second time after a 3 day break. (Disclaimer: Possible KFC binge on the horizon...)
-Making the transisition from the grocery store to local farmer's markets for 80% of my food
-Improving cooking skills

Reconnecting with Body:
-Attaining true strength with my own body, no added weight, through the Gymnastics Bodies program.
-Running tests through 23andMe and Ubiome
-Finally getting a Septoplasty done so that I can actually breathe during my workouts (this has been a problem for years) - The surgery is scheduled for 3/5.
-Getting outdoors more through various channels.  Through Groupon I've scheduled a day of horse-back riding, and a day of archery range lessons.  I've joined a flag football team at work.  A friend is introducing me to Disc Golf over the weekend.  And so on.

Reconnecting with Mind:
-Pursuing mental improvement through the independent study of a classical liberal education, to include such topics as the Trivium.
-Getting off a Facebook (seriously, it's a time-killer).  I've limited my use to 1xweek on Wednesdays.
-Attempting to complete the increasing pile of books on my nightstand
-Finally taking the time to clean and re-string my acoustic guitar, while learning some new skills in the process.


Currently reading: The Well-Educated Mind
Currently listening to: Cynic

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