Sunday, July 28, 2013

It's worth it

Yeah, I never feel like doing it.  I can always find other things to do.  Things to think about.  Things to fill my time up with.  I'm sure many of you are thinking of different activities in your life right now that meet these qualifications... but for myself, I am referring to Meditation.

Or as I like to call it, "Just sit down and shut up," time.  A time to quite my mind, to end the loops of nonsense information that so often to seem to plague my thoughts.  A time to just sit, be still, and be present.  And it is way harder than I would like it to be.

I have to fight that initial urge to skip the session.  Fight the thoughts about what's going on that day, and focus on breathing instead.  To purge all the information that has built up over the last couple days, that doesn't matter anymore, but that for some reason I continue to think about.

But in the end, it's totally worth it.  It's like clearing out all those files on your computer that have accrued over the years (to-do lists from 2007 anyone?), so that the programs left run more efficiently.  It's like jumping into a crazy cold pool of water, so cold that you have no choice but to focus on the cold and nothing else.  And when you dry off and wait a couple minutes, you realize you feel fantastic, strong, and cleansed... and that you may have even received up to 100 benefits for quieting your mind for those 10 minutes! (

The biggest benefit, however, is that I have set the tone for an awesome day to occur.  I have taken a first step in the morning that says, "I control my thoughts, I control my life."  You don't get much more powerful than that!

I encourage you to experiment with meditation.  Try it a couple times a week, or couple times a day.  Set aside a time slot, and when that time comes around, don't think about it, just do it.  You'll be glad you did.