Sunday, August 4, 2013

Yerba Mate > Coffee

Anyone who knows me, knows that I frequently like to drink weird tea straight from the leaves through a straw with a filter on the end.

Yes, it sounds weird (because it is), but the smoky taste, smooth caffeine buzz without a crash, and affordable cost outweighs it's social irrelevance.  Welcome, Yerba Mate. 

There are few things I can say I truly love on this earth, and the drink above is one of them.  Do a quick Google search for the stuff, and you'll find I'm not the only one.  In fact, master intellect and life-long-learner Tim Ferriss is a huge fan of the stuff (, so you know it's gotta be good. 

As someone who has suffered from severe adrenal problems in the past, I can really only drink coffee once a week max without feeling like crap afterwards.  But with Yerba Mate, I can enjoy it all day long, feel great, and feel great when I'm done! Win win.

There is a certain method to making the tea correctly, however, so if you don't do so, you'll quickly know it.  But once you get the hang of it, it becomes second nature, and an enjoyable part of the process.

Because I know you're interested in trying this stuff, and because I also don't want you to think I simply pulled some weeds off the dying lawn outside, put a straw in them then snapped a shot, head over to and take a look. 


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