Saturday, February 8, 2014

Moving in Nature: A personal account

I decided to do something a little different today.  I have a million ideas for blog posts laying around on my laptop, but after a 2 hour session of exercise at a local park, I felt too good and was too inspired to not write about it.  So, perhaps it was not I that decided to put this post up... but nature itself! Regardless, what you will read below is the end result - A first hand account out of my personal journal, with virtually no editing done, only an hour after returning.

I hope you enjoy.

- Jay

"What an incredible experience.  2 Hours of running around in the woods at the local park with some fellow paleo pals proved to be the most refreshing activity I have done in a long time.  It's exactly what I needed.  My body feels good and grounded.  My head feels clear.  I feel reconnected and rejuvenated.  All thanks to Mother Earth.

I could also not help but to notice some things happening within myself while I was out there.  It all just felt so natural and right.  And there was this sense of longing I seemed to, at some point throughout the years, have masked within my consciousness that was quenched by the woods.  Running, crawling, climbing.  Carrying, jumping.  Working and maneuvering through whatever the landscape had to offer.  It reminded me somewhat of my childhood... playing make-believe Army with my brother and friends in the trees behind our house.  

As we shuttled through the canvas of branches and brush, a long-lost sense of imagination seemed to reignite within my mind.  It renewed a desire within me to explore, to seek adventure at every turn.  And, to be quite honest, it was a little weird.  Not weird enough to outweigh how much fun I had, however.

Needless to say, I cannot wait to get back in the woods."

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